Taipei MRT

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Maybe soon we will have no seats at all. SMRT can pack more people in the trains, maximise earnings and no more arguement about who gets a seat and who does not.

In fact, they not queeing only for train, to take escalator, even in the night market, they follow the rule by walking on their right hand side.

Actually, not only in Singapore, Malaysia, HK, all are the same.

So far, Taiwanese impress me for this.

Picture below show how they Q for the train in a train station.

wondering if it is true that we always see Country A, B, C, their system X, Y, Z very good, people very orderly, considerate etc....and comparing to ours....

wondering if those country A, B,C will also do the same? they complained about their own locals and saying that people from other countries more considerate? :bsmilie:

two words. 度滥.

Funny thing, no one has brought up the ugly Taiwanese yet :bsmilie:

just some thoughts...... sometimes i wonder why we think our $1 plus is so big? quit complaining, it is just public transportation.... live and let live life, too short to judge people, people also don't care.

On the point of 'giving seats' up, I felt I had to quote the above...

If there are 4 people standing in front of u and its obvious that nobody is going to give up their seats:
Person A: Old, frail looking, weak old man who looks like he's gonna die of a heart attack immediately shld the train jerk a little.

Person B: A very, very pregnant lady. Probably in her final trimester. Where u've got the feeling if the train jerks or someone bumps into her, her baby would simply just fall out straight between her legs or she'll instantly miscarry.

Person C: A strong looking young man who looks like he's in an extremely bad rut of late. Struggling with a clutch with a broken left hand in cast and a broken right leg in cast, sweating profusely due to the hot weather AND perhaps due to the fact that selfish buggers hogged the escalator and he'd decided to take the stairs instead.

Person D: A mother of 2. Struggling to contain her 2 kids, her necessities, her handbag AND her shopping. One with her left hand and the other sleeping peacefully in her arms and given the screaming, whining volume u see with the one the Mama is trying to control, u'd expect an Earth Shattering scream shld the one sleeping is disturbed from his sweet slumber.


Some junk food for thought after a sleepy lunch. Hehehe.... ;p

P/S: If everyone ended up with Private Transports, don't complain about traffic jams and the government raising taxes.

If you start the initaitive to give up yr seat, others will follow suit. Fo me, i just get up and see who will go for the seat lor. Usually if the senerio above take place, you have to go and buy 4D or Toto. We have to start by showing example not wait for ppl to change. To change others, we must change ourself first.

If you start the initaitive to give up yr seat, others will follow suit. Fo me, i just get up and see who will go for the seat lor. Usually if the senerio above take place, you have to go and buy 4D or Toto. We have to start by showing example not wait for ppl to change. To change others, we must change ourself first.

remember when i was alot younger, i never take public transport. so i was like super happy when my parents say i could take bus from school back home around P5-P6... remember once i was on the bus. then its pretty crowded, then i gave up my seat to a old lady. the old lady told me that she is strong enuff, she do not want the seat. i insisted she have the seat, she said no... so i say, i'm going off already... so i alighted, she took the seat, and i waited for the next bus... hehe... since using concession pass.

actually for ppl like me, take public transport, normally stand all the way... cos i felt abit funny sitting down as i'll feel awkward if i see ppl who need the chair more than i do, then i stand up and offer them a warm seat. not very nice...

remember when i was alot younger, i never take public transport. so i was like super happy when my parents say i could take bus from school back home around P5-P6... remember once i was on the bus. then its pretty crowded, then i gave up my seat to a old lady. the old lady told me that she is strong enuff, she do not want the seat. i insisted she have the seat, she said no... so i say, i'm going off already... so i alighted, she took the seat, and i waited for the next bus... hehe... since using concession pass.

actually for ppl like me, take public transport, normally stand all the way... cos i felt abit funny sitting down as i'll feel awkward if i see ppl who need the chair more than i do, then i stand up and offer them a warm seat. not very nice...

Thats a good personal value! ;)

Not trying to generalize, but want to bring up a theory/obsevation.

In Taipei, if someone jumps the queue at the MRT station, he/she would probably get scolded by surrounding passengers. I feel that is quite an important factor in shaping their behaviour in public.

In SG, someone misbehaves in public and most of the time the surrounding people just swallow it and then go complain somewhere else, like to friends and family or online. Not as effective, I think.

Earlier this year I was on a plane in US. While taxiing after landing, a young man pulled out his cellphone and started making a series of phone calls. He spoke very loudly and at some point used the F-word. He was not actually arguing with someone but was chatting with a friend and using the F-word casually. The passengers around him all turned and stared at him and an elderly man told him straight in the face that he was being rude to the people around him. He felt the pressure and pocketed his cellphone. He also appologized to the people around him.

A few years ago I was in Guangzhou, taking a public bus. A man on the bus decided to smoke, and the moment he lit his cigarette he was scolded by 3 or 4 surrounding passengers. He quietly put out his cigarette.

I feel that in SG such pressure from society is either missing or not enough. Of course this is also kind of chicken and egg because if people lack consideration in general then there will also be a lack of such pressure in society to moderate individual behaviour.

- Roy

Not trying to generalize, but want to bring up a theory/obsevation.

In Taipei, if someone jumps the queue at the MRT station, he/she would probably get scolded by surrounding passengers. I feel that is quite an important factor in shaping their behaviour in public.

In SG, someone misbehaves in public and most of the time the surrounding people just swallow it and then go complain somewhere else, like to friends and family or online. Not as effective, I think.

Earlier this year I was on a plane in US. While taxiing after landing, a young man pulled out his cellphone and started making a series of phone calls. He spoke very loudly and at some point used the F-word. He was not actually arguing with someone but was chatting with a friend and using the F-word casually. The passengers around him all turned and stared at him and an elderly man told him straight in the face that he was being rude to the people around him. He felt the pressure and pocketed his cellphone. He also appologized to the people around him.

A few years ago I was in Guangzhou, taking a public bus. A man on the bus decided to smoke, and the moment he lit his cigarette he was scolded by 3 or 4 surrounding passengers. He quietly put out his cigarette.

I feel that in SG such pressure from society is either missing or not enough. Of course this is also kind of chicken and egg because if people lack consideration in general then there will also be a lack of such pressure in society to moderate individual behaviour.

- Roy

Generally, ppl in SG are oppressed... if they do form up against such suppression, i guess you won't get the 66.6 already.

just imagine, if 1 ah beng go around with his fone and go k*n here k*n there, then a ah gong go over and tell him off, then he pushed the ah gong down & the ah gong suffer a fracture, wat do you think would be the 1st reaction of the public in singapore.

my guess would be...

stranger 1 go over to the ah gong & say, serves u right.
stranger 2 go over to the ah gong & tell him to apologize.
stranger 3 go over to the ah gong & not facing the ah beng begin to look at ah gong wound and keep quiet thru out... when police came over, he remain silent and not have his statement taken...

the rest of the stranger 4-infinity will just look and then disperse.

Uniquely Singapore.

Bravo! I hope the rest of Singapore follows your example and become pro-active members of a society that is shaped by *Singaporeans* - not the Singaporean government.


If you start the initaitive to give up yr seat, others will follow suit. Fo me, i just get up and see who will go for the seat lor. Usually if the senerio above take place, you have to go and buy 4D or Toto. We have to start by showing example not wait for ppl to change. To change others, we must change ourself first.

Generally, ppl in SG are oppressed... if they do form up against such suppression, i guess you won't get the 66.6 already.

just imagine, if 1 ah beng go around with his fone and go k*n here k*n there, then a ah gong go over and tell him off, then he pushed the ah gong down & the ah gong suffer a fracture, wat do you think would be the 1st reaction of the public in singapore.

my guess would be...

stranger 1 go over to the ah gong & say, serves u right.
stranger 2 go over to the ah gong & tell him to apologize.
stranger 3 go over to the ah gong & not facing the ah beng begin to look at ah gong wound and keep quiet thru out... when police came over, he remain silent and not have his statement taken...

the rest of the stranger 4-infinity will just look and then disperse.

Uniquely Singapore.

i think i will whack the ahbeng jia lat jia lat until buay lin chu. Then spit on him, shame on him for attacking a senior citizen. haaaa

dun give up seat for elders and pregnant ladies nvm. but i f***ing f***ing f***ing hate those who rush into the train the moment the door opens. cant they just wait for passengers to alight first???

I got into a fight once when I was alighting and the senseless mules started rushing in. My aunt who was an elder was walking behind me and I shoved the person "coming at me" and he fell on his bum. Well, no regrets, because my aunt was sickly and the last thing she needed was to be shoved.

I no longer take the train. I drive.


we are talking about an ahbeng bullying an old man leh....of coz i will whack the bugger lah.
Of coz we not talking about some mindless road rage for no reason. :bsmilie:

U think u will be the helmet uncle when the ah beng slash the ah gong meh? :sweat:

Anyway i hold u to your words... can gimme your name & contact number? anything i call u. :devil:

U think u will be the helmet uncle when the ah beng slash the ah gong meh? :sweat:

Anyway i hold u to your words... can gimme your name & contact number? anything i call u. :devil:

u not old man leh. haaaa
not helmet uncle lah....when such situation arises, my sense of morality and principles will overtake common sense. Even if the bugger has a knife or pointed comb, i will still find a weapon to whack the bugger for bullying the old man.

Got valid reason, at least do it without hesitation. It doesn't feel good to stand a distance away and watch either. :bsmilie:

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