Sharing a Few Butterflies Part VI

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Shutter Speed: 1/500 second
F Number: F/4.5
On board flash
ISO 200

nice!... shot it in hortie??..

The Redspot Sawtooth


The Striped Jay



Doleschallia bisaltide pratipa (Autumn Leaf)

D300, Sb600 fill, T180, 1/40s, F8, ISO 400, Tripod

Pachliopta aristolochiae asteris
(Common Rose)

D300, Sb600 fill, T180, 1/80s, F8, ISO 400, Tripod

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A few rare ones came out to play , all four are deep shade lovers and very skittish butterflies. The lack of light under the thick forest canopy posed extreme challenge to the equipment used . First two are ISO 2000 shots on 1D3 +T180+EX580 II.

First 3 are BMI or record shots , the only good shot is the Quaker .

First time scoring the Yellow Chequered Lancer locally and is a rare +1 for me.

Plastingia pellonia (Yellow Chequered Lancer)

ISO2000 1/30s F/4 Fill flashed , handheld

Laxita thuisto thuisto (Lesser Harlequin)

ISO2000 1/80s F/5.6 Fill flashed , handheld

Gangara lebadea lebadea (Banded Reyeye)

ISO640 1/50s F/5.0 Fill flashed , Handheld

Neopithecops zalmora zalmora
(The Quaker)


ISO 640 1/30s F/8 Fill flash , Monopod.


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Camera : E-620
Lens : Sigma 150mm
Shot setting : AP
F-Stop : F8
Shutter: 1/250s
Processing : Crop, Curves, Sharpening


Camera : E-620
Lens : Sigma 150mm
Shot setting : AP
F-Stop : F8
Shutter: 1/160s
Processing : Crop, Curves, Sharpening


Camera : E-620
Lens : Sigma 150mm
Shot setting : AP
F-Stop : F8
Shutter: 1/250s
Processing : Crop, Curves, Sharpening


Camera : E-620
Lens : Sigma 150mm
Shot setting : AP
F-Stop : F6.3
Shutter: 1/200s
Processing : Crop, Curves, Sharpening


Camera : E-620
Lens : Sigma 150mm
Shot setting : AP
F-Stop : F8
Shutter: 1/160s
Processing : Crop, Curves, Sharpening


Camera : E-620
Lens : Sigma 150mm
Shot setting : AP
F-Stop : F10
Shutter: 1/100s
Processing : Crop, Curves, Sharpening


Camera : E-620
Lens : Sigma 150mm
Shot setting : AP
F-Stop : F6.3
Shutter: 1/200s
Processing : Crop, Curves, Sharpening


Camera : E-620
Lens : Sigma 150mm
Shot setting : AP
F-Stop : F8
Shutter: 1/80s
Processing : Crop, Curves, Sharpening

Our new checklist is out, for sometime now. Please check it out if you have any UFOs or caterpillars that need to be IDed.




A big thanks to Anthony for doing up the checklist.

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Two males Harlequins had been sighted at Release Site A by a ButterflyCircle member today !!

Meaning after the last insertion on Jan 08 they have managed to propagate and survive on site for almost 18 months.

Saving the Harlequin Part III will be launched to seal this success in saving them by reinforcing more butterfly and strengthening their foothold on the new site!


For a detailed brief on the "Save the Harlequin Project" refer to :

Saving the Harlequin Part I

Saving the Harlequin Part II


woo.... 5 bar feeding on a flower! The picture is a bit dark tho, maybe you can increase the exposure a bit. Overall a very nice shot although the butt is a bit worn out(no tail), you got nice and parallel and achieve a nice undistracting bg with a nice flower.

woo.... 5 bar feeding on a flower! The picture is a bit dark tho, maybe you can increase the exposure a bit. Overall a very nice shot although the butt is a bit worn out(no tail), you got nice and parallel and achieve a nice undistracting bg with a nice flower.

tks, any brighter and the noise would have really start to show..
maybe the raw file would help if i can get it to finish processing in time.. 8)

still not capable of one shot one kill yet and the skies starting pouring right after this one..

in this modern age of digital photography, just machine gun(shoot as much as u want).
i can frankly say none of my shots are 1 shot 1 kill, if i had the chance i would keep shooting till i get it as close to perfect in my point of view, then i'll go home and choose the best image =D

tks, any brighter and the noise would have really start to show..
maybe the raw file would help if i can get it to finish processing in time.. 8)

still not capable of one shot one kill yet and the skies starting pouring right after this one..

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